This week’s readings: Matthew 18; Luke 10
Don’t forget to record your impressions and read the ideas outlined in the new Come, Follow Me manuals on
Bible Video
Scripture Insight
This scriptural insight comes from Verse by Verse, The New Testament: Volume 1by Andrew C. Skinner and D. Kelly Ogden.
Ten thousand talents, which the servant owed the king, was an enormous sum—millions of dollars. In comparison, Josephus notes that the entire tribute of Galilee and Perea for 4 B.C. was only 200 talents and the entire yearly income of Herod the Great was only 900 talents (Antiquities [Loeb], XVII.318).
Study Ideas
These ideas and topics are compiled from Come, Follow Me and have been adapted for specific situations. Check out the manuals online for more ideas, or come up with your own as you study!
For couples:
Forgiveness can be both difficult and rewarding in a marriage and family. As you study the chapters for this week, you may want to consider individually and together actions or words that you may need to ask forgiveness for from your spouse and children. As you ask for and practice giving forgiveness, you may want to make a goal for the week related to one area that you struggle with and often have to ask forgiveness for. For example, if you are not a very good listener and regularly ask forgiveness for not paying attention, you could set a goal this week to listen to your spouse or children without interruption for 10 minutes each day.
For singles:
Studying solo this week? Consider conducting a self-evaluation based on Matthew 18:1–11, where Christ tells His disciples that they must become like little children. You can make a list of the Christlike characteristics a child has and then rate yourself on how you are doing in each category. Then pick one to focus on improving this week.
For families with young children:
If you’ve noticed some contention between siblings or between your children and their friends, the parable of the good Samaritan might be a valuable scripture story to study this week in your family. You can share the story with your children in a variety of ways such as dressing up and acting it out, coloring or drawing pictures, or watching a video. Then you could talk about what it means to be kind to others and how we can show love and kindness to those around us.
For families with teens:
With teenagers in the house, life can sometimes get very busy with friends, responsibilities, performances, school, and a host of other activities. As your family studies the story of Mary and Martha and “choosing the better part” this week, you might consider spending an evening as a family making a list of everyone’s schedule and counseling together on what can be removed or simplified and times your family will set aside to prioritize spiritual things such as scripture study and family prayer.
Stay in the loop on Come, Follow Me discussions and insights throughout the week by following the Brightly Beams Instagram account, or check out this week's relatedCome, Follow Me FHE lesson: He Came to Save the Lost.
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